Shocking Predictions Show How Climate Change Will Drown The Worlds Landmarks

The globe's famous landmarks are shown to display a very possible reality of climate change in a way we may have never imagined; submerged and forever changed.
Climate Change Will Drown The Worlds Landmarks

Lalbagh Fort in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Picturing Our Future Climate Central

Climate Central is “an independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts about our changing climate and its impact on the public.”

Their mission is to communicate climate change science, its effects, and possible solutions to the public and policy-makers. Climate Central has been praised and cited around the world for its impressive scientific team and research capabilities, in addition to its communication strategies.

Their website, Picturing Our Future, is one communication strategy that was created with their value in mind of mixing innovation with science and communication, scaled by technology, that defines their approach to reach and move important audiences.

Picturing the Future is an interactive website that depicts over 180 locations and landmarks around the world. These locations are shown using detailed maps that compare the locations as they are today, with how they will look as sea levels rise. The comparisons are made using today’s current sea level and models from a rise of 1.5-3.0 Celsius.

Sea=level rise over Vancouver 1.5C vs 3C

These models are based on scientific evidence that supports sea level rise as inevitable if global temperatures do not stay below 1.5C. The stark realization of these predictions is that to achieve a less than 1.5-degree increase, strict and drastic worldwide carbon emission initiatives must begin taking place. Our current path is sure to surpass the 1.5-degree increase mark.

This means that with current policies in place, a 1.5-degree increase will occur; we simply do not know when exactly. A complete transformation of energy systems would need to happen drastically to curb this. Yet, scientists are not totally confident that even this degree of action would be enough to curb sea-level rise.

The genius behind the Picturing Our Future website is the visuals. Famous locations are purposely shown to display a possible reality of severe flooding at landmarks that the world loves. Places like the Sydney Opera House, Independence Hall, and Buckingham Palace are shown in a way we may have never imagined, submerged and forever changed.

Understanding climate change and sea-level rise can be overwhelming for many. Climate Central breaks this information down to present models that make the consequences of climate change and sea-level rise easy to imagine and visualize. The locations chosen to depict in their sea-level rise feature are purposeful to give viewers relatable, well-known examples. Many are chosen due to their close proximity to coastlines around the world, where, typically, the highest population densities are recorded.

Climate Central’s goal for this project was to connect viewers around the world in science and discussion to raise awareness for climate change and sea-level rise. The organization is dedicated to telling the stories behind climate science, no matter how they fall, for good or for worse.

A benefit of Climate Central’s projects is that they advance no specific policy, legislation, or technology to address climate change. They are scrupulously non-advocacy and non-partisan. Meaning, everyone from all walks of life is encouraged to participate in supporting their mission and taking an interest in their projects and educational tools. Viewers can be assured that they will receive an inclusive and accurate presentation of climate science as it continues to emerge.

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